I CRIED, Y’ALL… and I am so grateful for that release.  Here’s the story.

It had been about two weeks since my eyes had started watering without apparent cause.  My eyes would water but no tears would come out and I felt no sadness, just stillness. At first, I was like whatever, don’t cry then (to myself).  But then when the watery eyes came through while I was ready to relax, I became frustrated. I personally love crying. I always feel so much lighter after releasing that “energy in motion.”   

So though at first I was accepting of the watery eyes without tears, eventually, I became frustrated.  I was frustrated with myself, then with God and my spiritual guides. I was creating a problem with my thoughts.  I was frustrated and thinking “I am being tortured, tell me what’s up.”

Basically, I had convinced myself that because my eyes were watering I needed to cry.  When in fact, my eyes were watering. That was a fact. There was nothing else to make me believe that as a result of that fact, I MUST cry on cue.  Anywho, when I realized I had created a problem when there was just an experience being had, I journaled and released my expectations on how this situation had to play out.  I left it all alone. From my recollection, after the journal session, the watery eyes didn’t happen again. UNTIL the connection to those watery eyes came to my attention.

It was New Year’s Eve and I had just received confirmation of what I had suspected regarding a loved one.  I had been getting signs to contact her and though I tried, spiritual guidance told me that the way that worked before, wasn’t going to work this time.  I kept on trying to contact her. Finally, I received the confirmation I assume I needed, this reconciliation wasn’t going to be that simple. As I hung up the phone my eyes watered, and then it hit me, the watery eyes were beyond me. It wasn’t about me, this was about something bigger than me and beyond just surface level stuff.

Feeling a bit overwhelmed, I went to my prayer area and started to pray.  The plan was to speak to God about everything that I was feeling and thinking while thanking Him for the messages I had received.  

Side note, when we think God is silent, sometimes God is talking to us, just not in the way we expect or desire for  God to connect with us.

Anyhow, as I prayed, tears started pouring out of my eyes.  And not just those light tears, I had a whole boohoo session.  I WAS ABSOLUTELY grateful after that release.

There may still be more to the watery eyes, but I was excited and thankful for having the opportunity to release through tears.


Too often I hear others saying, “I am outside, I can’t cry. People are going to think I am crazy.”  Or “I want to cry, but when I want to cry, I am out in public and people will wonder if I am okay.” In other words, they don’t feel comfortable enough to cry if (and when) they want to!

Can I first say, tears are not a sign that something is “wrong”.  It is not a sign that you are weak, crazy, or anything else. That is just others’ perspective of tears, but that does not have to be your perspective.  There can be many reasons for tears, beyond what is happening in your physical world.

Emotions, or the manifestation of emotions, are just energy in motion.  It’s not that big of a deal. For many of us, emotions or its manifestation are signpost.  

Often, I hear others reflect on how others will feel about them crying.  My take is, if your tears make other people uncomfortable, that is their problem.  As for you, be comfortable enough with yourself to accept that tears are just a manifestation of internal emotions.  Tears do not take away from who you are. If you cry, there is nothing to be ashamed of, everyone has the ability to cry, whether they partake or not, is their thing. BUT I AM HERE TO ENCOURAGE YOU TO CRY IF YOU WANT TO AND ARE ABLE TO (clearly I wanted to and apparently, could not).  There will be times when you need to process what is happening and at that moment, you don’t feel it necessary to cry; that’s cool too.

For transparency purposes, I will share that my outlook on crying may stem from my many years of not crying.  I personally went through many years of not crying, which took place during my childhood years into early adulthood (I believe).   I am not sure when or what triggered me to stop crying, but it happened.

After not crying for many years, when I started to cry again, I embraced it!  I learned to accept and appreciate crying, EVERY TIME. I’ve experienced the blessing of crying and the experience of being in the moment with those tears.  

That experience is a major reason why I encourage others to cry if they want to.  Stop worrying about what people will think. Stop telling yourself you have to wait to express yourself.  Why is it okay to cry out of joy when you pass an exam or receive other exciting news, but not acceptable to cry when you’re frustrated or overwhelmed?  Both moments are expressions of energy. Both moments matter!

Crying does not have to be a dramatic thing.  It does not have to mean anything specific. You could allow the tears to flow without an explanation or understanding.  Matter fact, give yourself permission for that. Give yourself the intimate time you desire. Maybe you need to go to the bathroom and shed some tears.  It’s all good! You’re good! Whatever your reasoning or absence of reason is for crying; DO YOU!


Sending you love, support, and a 1, 2 step, dance move.




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  1. Very good write-up. I absolutely appreciate this site. Thanks!

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